Saturday, February 7, 2009

All Alone

So let me just give you a snapshot of my life right now. I have a broken right ankle and I am still in a lot of pain. I am now in a cast (at least it is pretty... red with sparkles) and I can NOT under any circumstance put any pressure on my right foot/ankle/leg for at least the next four weeks... the same instructions I have alreadly lived with for 3 weeks. I have now found a semi-cool way to get around. My doctor ordered me a scooter of sorts... think a razor... powered by my one good leg... but with a paded shelf for me to rest by f-ed up leg on. It does make getting around work easier... and now I can at least make food for myself in my kitchen so I am not starving. But it doesn't go up stairs. So I drag myself... sitting on my butt up the stairs to my crutches, which I leave at the top of the stairs and I use only crutches up stairs. I can shower by myself because my parents got me a chair and handle I use to pull myself in and out... I put a garbage bag over my cast and masking tape it up. Laundry is nearly impossible, but somehow I manage. Basically everything in my life takes me at least 4 times as long to do as it normally does... even just going to the bathroom. Therefore, at the end of the day, I'm 4 times as tired as I usually am. And I'm pretty sure, with the exception of my anchor who has a family and her own people to take care of, not one of my friends has asked if I need anything. If they could come over and help me with anything. Or if they could just come over and be there for me. In fact when I talk about how hard this all is for me, I feel like no one wants to hear it, like they feel like I am burdening them, like I am totally being a baby about this whole thing and I should just suck it up. The only people who seem to understand or give a shit are all miles away... my family and my boyfriend. And right now I can't even begin to tell you how alone and sad and unsupported I feel. I have all these amazing friends right?? But when the chips are down, it's those friends who are supposed to be there for you. And right now... I'm standing... on one leg... all alone.


Anonymous said...

this is really unfair, and we will talk about it later.

Anonymous said...

Wack, yo. I'm sure not all your friends know how hard things are for you now. If you need some help, don't be afraid to ask.

Anonymous said...

Dang...well I don't know if I was ever in the category of "friend" but you know I'm a phone call away. I know my number still lingers around the station. Look, as long as I got breath, you have someone. Be cool...Pull your ass up and down those stairs and if you need help, you are not alone. The only way you are is if you want to be.:) Call a brother!