Saturday, May 9, 2009

Perfect Partner

Listen up ladies... I have a new theory when it comes to picking the perfect man. It goes a little something like this: If you are not good at something, find a boyfriend who is.
Think I'm crazy?? Or totally off base about what is important when picking a partner, it's totally working for me!!
I suck at cooking and have no desire to learn. Who am I dating? A professional chef. It couldn't be better. I get great food and I don't have to cook it.
I have no idea about car stuff. My boyfriend washes his own car, changes his own oil, knows what that stuff is under the hood!! He's not a mechanic, but he will certainly be able to save me some time and money.
Not only is he good with the car.. he is just plain good at fixing things... and the best part. He loves doing things for me.
This is what we all need... someone to pick up the slack where our talents are lacking... (The key here ladies is you too have to be good at something, which luckily I am!!!!!)

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