Friday, September 11, 2009

Sometimes bad days just don't end...

So my bad day continued today... Our highest hopes that we would wake up... put a little more gas in the car... and get it to start... were quickly squashed!!! So my boyfriend had to drive me to work, before he went to his job. Needless to say, I arrived about an hour and a half early. So, I decided to make some phone calls about where to take my car and how the hell I was going to get my car there. After more than an hour... I had arranged to get my car to the shop that I really wanted it to be at, the one where I trusted most that they would rip me off. So my car gets there... and several hours later... I get a phone call, the dreaded phone call. My car is running now... and I can take it now, but I really need a new fuel pump. Guess how much that costs?? Oh... about $900. I also need two new tires and an oil change. I'm going to get the oil change. But they said they could rotate the tires for me, so that I could hold off on getting the new ones. Anyway... bottom line... I will end up spending about a grand on this lovely "tune up". Money, I P.S., DO NOT have. I am struggling to stay afloat right now, before this. So I had resorted to something I HATE. I am taking money from my parents. I am 28-years-old... and apparantely I still can't make it on my own. It just makes me feel like shit, like a failure. I love my parents for doing what they are doing... I just wish I didn't NEED their help. So that's two in a row... The question now... Will it ever end??

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