Friday, November 13, 2009

The Other Woman

Tonight I found out about the other woman, the one my boyfriend turns to to give him everything I can not, or do not. She is apparently self-less and all-too understanding. Her world revolves around him. She is always there to listen, to comfort, to care, to be whatever he needs her to be. She never has any of her own problems that "get in the way". She never asks for anything in return. She never expects the same care and compassion from him. For her, he is everything. and that is what he needs. I, on the other hand, have way too many problems of my own. I am always trying to deal with my own issues and therefore am much too busy too pay proper attention to my boyfriend's needs. I am selfish and spoiled and "IT IS NEVER MY FAULT". I am nothing like her.
So who is this mystery woman... alcohol.

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