Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Devil... Part Dos

The devil strikes again...
This is a very serious warning for all you valley drivers. Pay close attention or else you may end get caught up in the viscious trap of the devil just like I did. (For those of you new to my blog, you should really go back and read The Devil... Part Uno. It was in August... way back in the day. J knows how to link to things like that, but we all know I'm not that computer savvy, so don't be f-ing lazy... click on August... and then The Devil... and then we'll all be up to speed.) Speed... interesting... because as we all know, that is all the devil cares about these days. So here's my new photo radar run-in. I'm on my way to work today because I got called in to produce the 9. Good times already, right? I'm on the I-10, right before you get to the ramp to get on the 51. I, of course, having already made this trip like 300 times since they started installing these devil followers, also known as photo radar cameras, know that there is a fixed camera coming up on my right hand side. I also know that it tries to trap you because that is an area that goes from 65... to 55... with almost no warning. I laugh in the devils face... I'm too smart for you... I know exactly what's coming... and then I see a flash. WTF?? I look left... Those bastards have put a mobile photo radar van on the left hand side of the road... literally 50 yards in front of the stationary photo radar unit. They have done it just to catch me. They are on to me and my sneaky ways. I know when they are coming and so I always slow down to just under where the camera snaps (See I also know how fast I can be going... you should know too. In a 65mph zone the camera snaps at 76. In a 55 mph zone the camera snaps at 65.) So they put the f-ing mobile van just before where I would have slowed down to avoid the photo radar ticket all together. (Let me just make one thing clear here... I am not one of those people who slams on their brakes the minute they see photo radar. In fact I hate those people, those people are a danger to the roads. You don't have to slow down to five miles under the speed limit when you pass the photo radar. They do not give out gold stars for going super slow. You only need to ease off the gas enough to make sure you are under the clicking speed. If anyone needs lessons, I'd be happy to take you out.) Anyway, my point to you all is this... it is obvious the devil is after me. Now I am doing my best to avoid his fiery photos, but you could be next. Save yourself!! I am warning you... this devil has no kryptonite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to look into getting a prop on the next ballot to make photo radar illegal in AZ. For real! Those things do not do anything, but fund raise. If the state was serious about public safety, then they'd have more officers. I have never witnessed a photo radar camera pullover a drunk driver or an aggressive driver. I call bullshit! To get the prop passed here, I think I have to tell the voters that it will stop gay marriage though.