Friday, February 27, 2009

Steppin' up the Sexy

So recently I learned about one of my friend's new addictions... lingerie shopping. Apparently she has been feeling the need since she started seeing "someone" on a regular basis. For those of you who have been to Vicki's lately you know the sexy under garmets do not come cheap (but they do cum easy!!). So my girl has been spending a ridiculous amount of money on sexy lingerie... so what?? She can have a different look each night. This is where I say waste of money and time!! The last lingerie I bought for my man was for his birthday. It took me about 20 minutes to get into it and it took him about 2 minutes to get me out. Don't get me wrong, he was very appreciative, but it was for his birthday. I'm not pulling that shit on a daily... or every other day.. or even once a week basis. And so far, it hasn't stopped my man from trying to get a piece every chance he can get. In fact, he has told me my regular pj's (my dad's old football jersey) is sexy. He looks forward to seeing me in it. I'm not saying we don't ever whip out some new lingerie... we don't ever go the extra mile to make sure our man is super turned on. But in the 8 months that I have had a boyfriend, I have pulled out the lingerie once. It was an $80 bill... that's 10 bucks a month... so I'm pretty pleased with the stripper-like attire I have purchased for my man. Maybe I'm totally wrong... am I lacking in the "sexy department" because I don't break out the lingerie on a regualar basis? Is this a part of my game I need to step up?? I'm open to all opinions on the matter...


Anonymous said...

Lingerie is a huge waste of money - gimme a break. If you have a guy who wastes time checking that shit out, before diving in... I think you've gotta problem :)

Anonymous said...

WTF?!?! Lingerie is just one more obstacle between me and the promised land. As long as it's clean and not granny panties, we're golden! In this recession, I hope they are at least USA made lingerie.

Anonymous said...

haha! love the guy perspectives. so, i will out myself as the lingerie lover.

lawless, you are TOTALLY right. my guy loves the super casual boy shorts and t-shirt look above all else. don't they all? ;)

although i do think guys who know what they're doing will show the proper appreciation for lingerie... the bottom line is it's something I like to have for myself, and seeing someone gives me an excuse to buy it.

i think the real difference here is that i am a shopaholic and you are a shopping phobe. haha!!

p.s. this post would be even better with a picture of the legs/headlock shot. you know what i'm talking about. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, and p.s. the one lingerie "outfit" was for my guy's birthday too... so we're not so different. ;)
and i'm not the one who got underwear with a guy's name tattooed on my butt. just saying... hee hee

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Totally calling me out huh? Well I wouldn't call the "personalized panties" lingerie... and they were certainly more affordable. In fact... ladies if you are looking for a way to spice things up and want to surprise your man... that is the way to go! you can customize just about anything, I just happened to pick my guy's favorite kind of panties and then put a cute message on the booty. He still talks about them to this day!! And two pair.. with delivery cost me like $35.
Yes.. I hate shopping, especially for lingerie, which PS is probably one of the most expensive things in my wardrobe... and definitely something that stays on the least amount of time. How can that be worth it?? That's all I'm saying. In these tough times, we have to make tough decisions... so sorry guys... it's gonna have to be just a jersey for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies... I am totally a liar...!!! That's the website where you can personalize panties... So fun and sexy...