Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bye, bye Rat Poison

That's right... After 1 year, 4 months and 13 days (but who is counting), I am finally weaning off Coumadin. For those who don't know, Coumadin is a blood thinner. It's designed to prevent me from getting another blood clot. But for the past several months, it hasn't been doing it's job. And it's rat poison. And it interacts with every other medication. And it makes it so I can't eat some of my favorite foods. So you can understand why I am so excited to be putting this part of my life behind me. In exactly 4 days, I will no longer be taking that shit. Instead, I will take an 81mg aspirin 2x a day. Fine by me. Aspirin is not rat poison. So to coumadin and the rat poison... I say... check ya later!

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