Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Heavily Medicated

The laundry list of medications that is my life...
Coumadin- 10mg Monday thru Friday
7.5mg Saturday & Sunday
Lexapro "my pupulei pills"-20mg Everday
Xanax- 1 pill at the onset of an anxiety attack
Midrin- 1 or 2 pills at onset of migrane
Vicodin- 1 pill every 4-6 hours to treat cramps
I though I would share the long list of medications that make up my life with you. Why? I'm not really sure. Maybe I'm just looking for a little validation that a list this long is crazy... crazier than I apparently am. I mean I am 27 years old, fairly healthy, in pretty good shape. So WTF... should I really need this many drugs to deal with my daily life?? I have even resorted to using one of those daily pill containers. You know, the one where you put your pills in for each day so you don't forget to take your meds. The ones your grandparents probably have. Yea, I'm at that point. So you may be thinking all those pills are a little extreme... and that perhaps I am just a wuss, who can't deal with my life, or things not being easy. To you I would say "Fuck off!!" If you are not crazy, you could not, would not and will not ever understand. If you don't get PMS, you could not, would not and will not ever understand. If you have never had a blood clot, you could not, would not and will not understand. If you have not had cramps, you could not, would not and will not understand. If you don't fit into any of these categories, thank what ever holy figure you believe in. Here's the thing... I would really like to be able to live my life prescription free... but I would also like to be able to live my life without pain, anxiety or feeling totally out of control. Now if only someone would make a pill... one pill... for all that!!

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