Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Let your crazy hang out!

I was reading this article and it was about the ten things you should never do on a first date. #2 on the list... don't talk about your psychiatrist... or any psychiatric drugs you may be on. So it got me thinking about the first time I hung out with my now boyfriend (and love of my life). I had a massive anxiety attack... one that required not one, but two xanax pills to control. And then I proceded to tell him all about how ever since I got out of the hospital, I have been kind of crazy, and they put me on pills in hopes of taming my insanity, but obviously they hadn't exactly started working yet. All of that... and he didn't leave. He rubbed my back when I was freaking out.. and listened intently... even pretending like he didn't want to run, while I explained how insane I may be. And now... he is still there. I still tell him everything... about my PMS... cramps... and many prescription pills. So bottom line... what the fuck do "they" know. I think when it's the right person... at the right time... it won't matter how crazy you are... when you choose to disclose that information... or what drugs you take to try and deal with life. What it all boils down to is this... we should never be afraid to let our crazy hang out.

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