Saturday, June 6, 2009

Asshole Horn Blowers

In the last three days, I have managed to be honked at 3 times, all of them by ASSHOLE DRIVERS. Now let me get one thing straight. I have nothing against the horn. If you aren't paying attention at the light, I'll honk at you. If you try to move into my lane without seeing me, I'll honk at you. Those my friends are appropriate uses of the horn... THESE ARE NOT!!!!
1. I was going to get onto the freeway and it was a metered ramp. There was no one in front of me, but still there is a light, so I stopped, waiting for the green. Just then the asshole behind me honks at me. WTF? Listen, I am all about driving fast, but not about running red lights. Chill out mother f-er.
2. I was driving my friend home and we had both my dogs in the car and somehow Joey had managed to sneak onto my lap (totally not allowed). We were stopped at a red light, and I was trying to get some crap out of poor Oscar's eye. The light turns green and I start to go but apparently not fast enough for the asshole behind me who honks and then whips into the turn lane next to me to turn a milisecond before I did.
3. I was leaving my friend's house, trying to turn out onto a very busy road without a middle turn lane to ease the situation. It happened to be a heavy traffic time and it seemed like every time there were no cars coming from my left, there were cars coming from my right. You can't just turn when half the traffic is open because there is literally no place to go, but this asshole in a huge moving truck decides that I am not moving fast enough and honks at me. Really?? Where do you want me to go with traffic coming from all directions.
There should be a new law against blatant mis-use of the horn. Pay attention people. I know you are in a hurry, so am I. I know you would like to get going, so would I. But I am not God. I can not make red lights, green. And I am not about to endanger myself... or my dogs for your stupid ass... so chill the fuck out... and lay off the horns. I'll tell you when you have a right to use them... and it is never when it is directed at me!!!!!!

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