Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Million Little Pieces

I'm not really sure how I got here, but I know it's a place I certainly thought I would never be. I have always loved my job. I love what I do, the fast pace of it, the way things are constantly changing, even the pressure. But more than that, I loved the people that I worked with. They were more than co-workers, they were friends. And now, things are completely different. I don't know who to trust, don't know who is on my side, but worst off, I feel incredibly alone. Ever been in a room full of people and just felt like you were standing in the middle of the Sahara Desert? I miss the way things used to be, the way we used to treat each other, the way we used to care about each other. I miss my friends. I always told people how lucky I was to have a job that I loved. But what I have realized is maybe it's more important to have co-workers that you love. They are the ones that help you get through the day, good or bad... have your back and always understand what you are going through. I'm so confused... and so sad... sad that my wonderful work world that I totally took for granted has been shattered into a million little pieces, pieces I'm not quite sure will ever come back together again.

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