Saturday, July 25, 2009

Loss of control- Part 2

One night, my calf was so swollen I was afraid to go to bed because I thought it was going to burst.
Not one... not two... not three.. but four phone calls to my doctor.. all of them repeatedly telling them about the extreme pain I was in.
I never got a call back.
I went in to my Friday doctor's appointment thinking... "Ha! He's going to take one look at me and realize that I wasn't lying, that I am in excruitiating pain, that he should have returned my phone call."
Well... I got that... and so much more.
He (an orthopedic specialist) took one look at my leg and I could tell something was wrong... really wrong. He left the room... and I heard him outside, calling someone and telling them he needed to get a patient in immediately for tests.
He then came back in to my room and asked me if I had any family here. By now, totally freaked out, I am crying. Through my tears, I told him no. And he informed me that I was going to be taken over to the hospital to have an ultra sound to see if I had a blood clot in my leg and that this was a very serious... life threatening... situation.
Then, he disappeared. I guess I would too if I had ignored 4 of my patient's phone calls.
His nurse helped me outside where an old man driving a golf cart picked me up. He took me over to the ER of the hospital across the street and dropped me off. I sobbed the entire way.
I went in, told them who I was and they took me back and drew some blood and stuff. Then sent me back out to the waiting room to... wait.
While sitting there... I made phone calls... to my mom... my closest friends...
Thank god one of my friends was off of work and she said she would rush right over to be with me.
Everything is kind of a blur... but I remember them taking me in a wheel chair to get my ultra sound of my leg, checking for a blood clot.
When the technician was done, she said I didn't have to get up, she would just push me back on the bed.
As I was wheeled into my curtained room in the ER, I looked at my friend and said "I don't think this is a good sign, do you?"
Minutes later, my ER doctor walked in... to give me the first of a long list of bad news...
I had a blood clot... but not just any old blood clot... one that stretched from my ankle to my mid-thigh.
Then he asked me if I had any shortness of breath lately. I told him yes.. in the past couple of days. But I thought it was from the pain.
Next I was wheeled off to have a CT scan of my lungs.. to see if there were any clots there.
Either way, I was being admitted to the hospital. So I was wheeled upstairs... and into a room where a doctor came to talk to me. Thank god I had friends with me, because by this time, I was in shock... I had nothing to say, no words, no idea what questions I should be asking.
The doctor was great. He spent 45 minutes in my room going over all the situations and how we would treat them. He answered all of my friends questions (since I had apparently gone mute). Then he told me he would come back after we got the CT results. Not 5 minutes later, he was back... with my second round of bad news. I had 2 small blood clots in my right lung. I was moved to the telemetry floor and put on a heart monitor. And my stay in the hospital was bumped from 2 to at least 5 days.

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