Friday, December 12, 2008

The Chameleon...

Recently I have discovered a new type of person... well I guess probably not new, but new to me. I've dubbed him/her... the chameleon. We all know one, but just maybe haven't stopped to realize who they are. It's the friend who is always on your side. The co-worker who thinks your ideas are great. The significant other who wants to do whatever you do. It must get tired being the chameleon, constantly changing your colors, your beliefs, your opinions, your stories. And here's the scary part, like a chameleon in the wild, I think most human chameleons are really good at hiding their true colors. They let you see exactly what you want to see... and no more. It is only if you catch a chameleon off guard... or out of their element that you can ever really bust them. They are smart, sneeky, deceiteful creatures. So here is my point for all of you... They are all around us... pretending to be exactly what you wanted them to be... or exactly what they are expected to be. Open your eyes... look closely... I think it's about time we start busting the chameleons at their own game!!!

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