Monday, December 15, 2008

Laying down the Law!!!

So my blog has done exactly what I wanted it to do... got people's attention, got people reading, and thinking, and debating. But it seems things are getting a little out of control on Living Lawless (i.e. Sexual Judgments) so as the blog master (I've always wanted to be master of something... ceremony... ju jitsu... S&M- I was just kidding about that last part;-) I'm taking back control!!!
Anyway... it's time for me to lay down the law!!!
Here at Living Lawless... there are a few things you should know..
1. You should always, always agree with what I write, even if I'm ranting and raving and way out of control. You should agree (or at least pretend to)
2. You must have a hatred for photo radar... not dislike... I said hatred. And you must always promise to try and duck tickets... If we don't pay, they don't make money and then maybe they will go away.
3. You must believe that getting new toilet paper and paper towel dispensers as opposed to me getting a raise is ridiculous... enough said.
4. You must never, ever under any circumstances use my blog to go after my friends. My friends are my family here. And we fight like family, we love like family, and we defend each other like family. Take your hatred elsewhere.
5. You must think crazy is cool... because a lot of the time I am!
6. You must think that I am one of the funniest people you know... and email this blog link to as many people as you know... Ready?? Go!!

So... now that we have all agreed on the rules.. and you have signed on the dotted line.. feel free to continue to read my hilarious, honest, open, over-the-top, sometimes boring, but always thoughtful blog. And keep those comments coming...


Anonymous said...

where do i sign?! haha! i love that someone born to be "lawless" is laying down the law. ;)

-J (photo-radar-hater-in-training)

Anonymous said...

Bo-ring! I'm still gonna talk junk, yo! Put that in J's cig and smoke it.

Anonymous said...

speaking of talking junk, Ace... SM totally called "not it" on checking out your ass bruises after we go boarding. ;)

lawless, don't kick us off the blog for being mean, k? we'll be good now! :D